Tuesday 19 October 2010

Book Review - Theodosia and the Staff of Osiris

Author : R.L. LaFevers
Series : Theodosia Throckmorton, #2

Paperback : 400 pages
ISBN : 0547248199
(ISBN 13 : 9780547248196)
My Rating : ★★★★★

Book Description : Theodosia Throckmorton is in a fix. Scores of missing mummies have turned up at the museum of Legends and Antiquities, and her father has fallen under suspicion. Now, not only must Theodosia keep him out of jail, but she has unwanted mummies to take care of  - and the Serpents of Chaos are back ! What could they be up to? And there are all those bothersome governesses to deal with. It really is a bit much for one girl to handle. At least she has Sticky Will as her ally. Or does she? He seems to be keeping secrets of his own. (from Paperback edition)

My Thoughts : I am officially in love with this series. 
As expected, it didn't fail to be humorous, witty and full of adventure !
I'd prefer not to mention Harry Potter but in this case I have to. 

When "Harry Potter" was finished, I felt really sad and was desperately looking for another series that could fill my void. A book that's filled with magic, a fight of good against evil without cheesy romance that will clog the whole story ! which is why "Vampires" and "Ware wolves" don't count ! LoL
Although this book might not be filled with the "same" kind, it was definitely enough to stop be obsessing to find another series just like it. 

Some might think this book too childlike, but wasn't Harry Potter suppose to be for children? I think my age has given me a chance to appreciate these books more than as I was a child. Theodosia is whimsical, clever and brave. I laughed and smiled at her comments more than I can recall. 

I so badly want to read more !! 

Favorite Quotes 

The lace on my party frock itched horribly. I don't understand how they can make things as complex as motorcars or machines that fly but can't invent itchless lace. 

Sopcoate held out his arm for Gradmother.
"Do watch your step, Lavinia." He advised.
"I've got it. I'm not infirm you know."
He winked at her.
"I know that very well, madam," he said, his words causing her to blush slightly.
And may I just say that old, wrinkled cheeks aren't made for blushing?