Saturday 2 October 2010

Book Review - Leviathan

Author : Scott Westerfeld
Illustrator : Keith Thompson
Series : Leviathan, #1

Paperback : 440 pages
ISBN : 1416971742
(ISBN 13 : 9781416971740)
My Rating : ★★★★★

Book Description : Alek is a prince without a throne. On the run from his own people, he has only a fighting machine and a small band of men. 
Deryn is a girl disguised as a guy in the British Air Service. She must fight for her cause - and protect her secret - at all costs. 
Alek and Deryn are thrown together aboard the mighty airship Leviathan. Though fighting side my side, their worlds are far apart. British fabricated beasts versus German steam-powered machines. They are enemies with everything to lose, yet somehow destined to be together. 

My Thoughts : This book is awesome ! 

It took a few chapters for me to actually sink in, due to my conditions being in an airplane and all, but I really did enjoy it ! The illustrations are just brilliant, it makes the whole book come alive. 

I love how the female characters in this book are so empowering.
They are mostly in control of the whole story ! and as a fellow female, 
I enjoy reading them in action ! and that's another thing, action scenes are vividly descriptive and full of suspense. 

I never liked war based books, but I will make this an exception. 
At the end of the book, the author mentions how "Deryn/Dylan", a commoner who pretends to be a boy to work at an airship might have feelings for "Alek", the unknow heir to the throne of Austria, running for his life. 
I am very excited to see how it might all play out. 


  1. Nice review. Thanks for sharing....

  2. I enjoyed this one wasn't one of my all-time faves but it was well done. Nice review!


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