Saturday 16 October 2010

Book Review - Don't Die, Dragonfly

Author : Linda Joy Singleton
Series : The Seer, # 1

Paperback : 240 pages
ISBN : 0738705269
(ISBN 13 : 9780738705262)
My Rating : ★★★★☆

Book Description : After getting kicked out of school and sent to live with her grandmother, Sabine Rose is determined to become a "normal" teenage girl. She hides her psychic powers from everyone, even from her grandmother Nona, who also has "the gift." Having a job at the school newspaper and friends like Penny Love, a popular cheerleader, have helped Sabine fit in at her new school. She has even managed to catch the eye of the adorable Josh DeMarco. Yet, Sabine can't seem to get the bossy voice of Opal, her spirit guide, out of her head... or the disturbing images of a girl with a dragonfly tattoo. Suspected of a crime she didn't commit, Sabine must fine the strength to defend herself and, later, save a friend from certain danger. (from Goodreads)

My Thoughts : You know how sometimes, you can't help  yourself but compare books? not necessarily because it has many similar details but you just have something at the back of your head that tells you it reminds of you of a certain book? 

This book reminded me of "Marked" series by P.C. Cast
There is no similarities, not even the same number of people or the plot. 
But somehow I couldn't stop myself from thinking that it's somehow the same. 

Needless to say that this book was pretty good. 
Actually I prefer this to the "Marked" series. 
At least there was no awkwardness at the beginning of the book. (if you know what I mean)
This book has some serious twists and turns that I didn't expect. 
It totally caught me off guard ! I felt like the story had so many potentials and I guess I'll find out sooner or later when I read the second book. 

This book is not to die for, but certainly is a memorable one.