Saturday, 25 September 2010

My Top 7 - TV series (Comedy)

This post was suppose to be a monthly thing, but since it was such a hit,
(and I enjoyed thoroughly writing it myself) I've decided to make it twice a month !
And this week's theme is TV series (Comedy).
There are so many good ones coming out every year
and the oldies just don't get old, seriously, they're always funny ! lol

So here are my top 7 recommendation.
And of course, please don't hesitate to suggest the ones that are not on the list !

1. Big Bang Theory from CBS

To be honest, there isn't going to be another that will top this for me.
I mean, as you will see from the list below, I have quite a number of favorites.
But after this show, although other series are amazing, there's nothing
that cracks me up like the "Big Bang Theory" !!!
Even as I write this post, pasting pictures, I'm giggling to myself like a crazy person.

It's about 4 smartest, geekiest, but the most finniest guys you will ever meet on TV.
And of course, the lovely Penny. *^^*
Please, just watch the first two episodes !! you won't regret it !!

2. Friends from NBC

How can we forget, the classic of all Comedy series.
I was so sad to see this show end. I would've watched it forever and ever. *sigh*
The concept, how 6 best friends live and love was at best a very wonderful thought.
To this day, I play friends on TV while I do my everyday chores. lol

3. Will and Grace from NBC

Never have I ever thought that "gayness" will be this funny on a TV.
OMG, it was hilarious ! and the characters are so lively and sophisticated !
And how can I forget the maid "Rossario". She certainly is a character to remember.
I unfortunately haven't seen the very last episode !
It got a tiny bit weird at the end. Has anybody else seen it till then end?

4. That 70s Show from FOX

When I saw that the box set was out, I had to buy it.
I mean, it was "That 70s Show" ! I had to ! (and I LOVE it btw)
My favorite character in this series would have to be, Fez, Kitty and Eric.
Fez with his accent and hilarious inappropriate gestures and language,
Kitty with her laughs and sweet worm motherhood.
Eric, well he was just so skinny, but charming, funny and quite the smart mouth ! lol

Ahhhhh, I think I might go watch the whole episode again soon.

5. How I met your mother from CBS

My best friend had the first season on DVD and we watched few episodes together.
And the next day, I went to the store and bought the season 1 and 2 !
Naturally, I watched all of them in 24 hours !
First, I thought the title was a little weird, it didn't appeal to me at all.
But boy, was I wrong. This has quickly turned into my new "Friends".

To be honest, the latest season was not as funny as the first and the second.
But what can I say, I can't stop myself !!

6. The office from NBC

What can I say, Michael Scott is hilarious !
I love how they made the subject of working in an office so funny !
But unfortunately I've only watched the first season.
I think I'd better check out the others.
Hope it's just as good !

7. Seinfeld from NBC

I watched all of this online.
It was a perfect pass-time TV series. It was also interesting to see a TV series
that were so popular in the 90s too.
I laughed on more than several occasions but don't think I'll watch it again.
Still, liked it enough watch the whole 9 seasons ! haha

I laugh myself silly writing this post and adding pictures.
And hope you all had fun too ! 
Don't forget, any other suggestions and opinions are welcome ! 
I'm actually looking for another series that could blow me away ! 


Kate Evangelista said... 1

I would have to go with Will and Grace. Love them! And Karen is the best!

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