Tuesday 7 September 2010

Cover Critique - Prophecy of the Sisters

I bought this book when I stumbled into Borders on my Christmas vacation.
Out of all the books that were displayed, this cover caught my eyes.
It looked dark, meaningful and and delicious.
Even the review on the back cover was very intriguing.
I've just found out that the second book was released so I visited Amazon to check it out. Then I found out that the book cover has changed into this !!

Well, let me just say this. I'm not impressed.
I was so looking forward to the book cover of the second book of this series !
I didn't expect for it to change into something so... ordinary.
A girl or two looking beautiful on a book cover, this is hardly the first time.
Ah, well, I guess I have no choice in this.
Since the second book is released, I should get started on this book. =) very excited still!
Oh, and the second book looks like this.


  1. I like the bottom two better than the first one.

  2. you do ? well, there's no doubt it's pretty.

  3. Well, the original cover kind of scares me. This isn't a horror series, right? D: It looks kind of non-fiction-ish to me too. and yes, I do like the new covers better. :D *shallow* the girls are so pretty! I especially like the coolness of girl in the 2nd book.

    Silly me, I've bought the 2nd book without buying the 1st book. Oh well..

  4. you know, I never thought of it that way.
    and now that I have, it does look kinda scary! lol


I love sharing opinions and listening to your critiques.
Thanks in advance for your comments =)