Friday 17 September 2010

Book Review - If I Stay

Author : Gayle Forman
Series : If I Stay, #1

Paperback : 259 pages
ISBN : 014241543X 
(ISBN13 : 9780142415436)
My Rating : ★★★★★

Book Description : What if you had everything

A gorgeous boyfriend who was madly in love with you?
Quirky hip parents who totally got you?
A musical talent that could take you anywhere?
What if your biggest problem in life was choosing which path to take?
Follow your first love, music, to New York City?
Or stay with your boyfriend, friends, and family? 

What if one day, you set out for a drive...
And in an instant everything changed? 
What if suddenly all the other choices were gone?
Except for one - the only one that truly mattered?

What would you do?

My Thoughts : Cascade of emotions just poured on me throughout this book. I literally buried my face and cried a little at the end. Seriously, it was painfully beautiful.

The title itself doesn't do it's justice.
I never knew that it could be this kind of a story just by looking at the title or the cover.
Thought it was going to be just an interesting young-adult fiction. But it takes you to a journey that everyone fears and wonders at the same time.

I was glad and proud how it was written without any religious focus, which is pretty amazing , really. I don't want to write too much about this book and spoil the fun and excitement for others. All I can say is, get a box of tissue ready at your side table and just enjoy the roller coaster ride. You will love Mia (main character) and envy her in a way you didn't think possible.

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