Monday 27 September 2010

Book Review - Son of Ereubus

Author : J.S. Chancellor
Series : Guardians of Legend, #1

Paperback : 310 pages
ISBN : 1982743742
(ISBN 13 : 9780982743744)
My Rating : ★★★★★

This book will be published
Novembre 1st, 2010 by Rhemalda Publishing.

Book Description : Since time immemorial, Man has lived in fear of losing his soul to the darkness of Saint Ereubus. For generations, the Ereubinians have wielded that power and ruled like gods. Three thousand years ago, Man irresolutely placed his faith in a mythical world. That world, Adoria, now holds Man’s final hope. As the last stronghold of Man is threatened, the fates of three strangers become forever intertwined and everything they once believed will be irrevocably changed as they discover...
Their time has run out.
My Thoughts :  
A few weeks ago, I got this book for a review in ebook format from the author and although I was excited, reading a different genre, I was quite nervous of how I might feel about the book.
But I really shouldn't have, becasue I fell in love with the book.
Since always, people has ideas running through their head.

But not a lot of people can write what's in their head into a well written book.
It was relief to read this book after having read so many mediocre books lately.
I don't know, my choice in books were a little off this month.

The story contains most of all, soul taking Ereubinians, Adorians who fights to protect the soul of humans, a mystery that is yet to be unraveled, wonderfully descriptive characters, loyalty and trust among friends and allies, hideous monsters, and a heart-wrenching love story. And the love is a genuine one.

The villains described in this book is more than dreadful, I read some of them acting only on what could be an evil's doing. which was good for me since I didn't feel like I have read a lot of "true" evil lately either.
I find that characters are very well developed and loved how the author slowly but skillfully revealed the story that has lasted thousands of years.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and glad to have found an awesome author. She rocks !

Favorite Quotes

"The very nature of faith is to believe when all else fails — when reason or logic cannot provide proof of hope.It is easy to leave with nothing left behind. A true test of character is if one is able to willingly leave what means the most to him, his very heart, for the sake of a greater cause."

"Why didn't you kill me?"
Stepping closer, Garren looked as though he was about to reach out to her,
but held his arm against his chest instead.
"I don't think that I can explain it. Something caught me. It was almost like being awakened from a heavy sleep, as if seeing your face stirred something in me that had long slumbered."
"A familiarity" she whispered.
He nodded. "Yes, if there were but a thing deeper. It revealed everything in a light that I knew nothing of, stripped me of all the things I'd once called truth."

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I have given you the Versatile Blogger Award at:


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