Friday 6 August 2010

Book Review - The Immortals Series

Author : Tamora Pierce

Series : The Immortals #1 ~ #4
(all published and finished)
My Rating : ★★★★★

Have you ever read a book that made you cry, not because you are sad or happy. But because you are so overwhelmed and confused? 
(This review is solely my personal opinion)
I've already written my review on this first book but it would be a pleasure and a privilege to express how I feel about this series once more.

Veralidaine Sarrasri, is the name of the character. (how pretty is that?!)
The only character that matters in this book, as a matter of fact. If my judgement weren't clouded by a euphoria whilst reading this book, I would've known earlier that all four books was almost fully dedicated to her, and only her. But I realize now that that's why this book was so deeply penetrated into every inch of my skin.
(I guess I prefer this than reading a lot of under developled characters.)

I cried and cried reading this book, thinking that there's nothing I would't give that is mine to be just her, not "like" her but "her". And it was so easy too, since to become her, the only thing that needs changed was my reality.
I was overwhelmed because I knew in my hear and soul that I was her, but confused because I wasn't her.

Sure I have loved reading "Harry Potter" because of it's unique, thrilling adventures and so many lovable characters. "Twilight", not at all because of the story but because it has made me throw myself into reading other Young Adult books. But my one and all time favorite book, will always be this one.
And since I'm a collecting enthusiast, there is no telling how far I will go to buy the old hardcover version of this. *sigh*

View all my reviews >>

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