Saturday 14 August 2010

Book Review - Beauty : A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and The Beast

Author : Robin McKinley

Harcover : 247 pages
ISBN : 0060241497
(isbn13: 9780060241490)
My Rating : ★★★★☆


Book Discription : A young woman, well educated and honourable, accepts responsibility for her father's act and leaves her family to enter the enchanted world of castle and Beast. The Beast she finds is not the one she imagined, but can she stay with him? 

My Thoughts : This book was easy to come by since "The Beauty and The Beast" is one of my all time favorite Disney Movie.
How can you not fall in love as a child, when a fairy tale is not just about pretty princesses and hansome princes but about true love at mind and soul despite the looks and how hard of a work it is to earn it?

I haven't read the book version nor do I know if it even exist. But this retelling of a story starts with three sisters. Grace, Hope and Honour. Honour, who is nicknamed "Beauty", is unlike her two elder sisters who are beautiful and looked upon by all men in the city. But Beauty, just like in the movie, finds her comfort in books and horse riding.

Much of the story is told with accurate details that it made my head spin. 
As I read, I pictured scenes with pencil drawings with water colours. 
Old, original and beautiful at the same time. 
The Beast is much kinder and Beauty is so much easier to understand than in movie.

I can safely say that this book has robbed me of all the images of a Disney characters and replaced and settled itself into my deepest memories.

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